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Irina Costei's Quick Tips (Instructor)

With his bluesy runs, trippy songs, and eccentric outfits, New Orleans' famous piano player Dr John is sure to make an impression.

In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to express my gratitude towards music. Hopefully, this will inspire you to reflect upon how music has impacted your life in a positive way.

This month, we're learning about Art Tatum, a fascinating American pianist whose influence on jazz music is sometimes overlooked, yet legendary.

This month's featured piano player is Ray Charles. He was an American singer, songwriter, and pianist, who is considered by many as one of the most iconic and influential artists in history.

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Irina Costei's Quick Tips (Writer)

Here's a look at one of Canada's most honored jazz pianists and composers of all times, the illustrious Oscar Peterson.

This month, we’re taking a look at the famous American jazz musician, Vince Guaraldi, who is best known for his musical contributions to the Peanuts show.

This month, we are featuring Chick Corea, a prolific jazz pianist and innovative composer, who seduced the public with his creativity and verve.

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