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Jonny May

Learn and master half diminished and fully diminished 7th chords in all 12 keys. With inversions and practice exercises, you’ll build your confidence with these essential chords.

Course Objectives
  • Learn the construction of diminished and half diminished chords
  • Practice inversions for all 12 chords
  • Master exercises for blocked and broken chords
Learning Focus
  • Chords
  • Exercises
  • Technique
Featured Reviews

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Daily Routine
It was kind of exhausting to practice every possible diminished and half diminished chord... But it was worth it
I enrolled with a bit too much confidence into the whole Foundations suite starting with Majors, then Dominants, Minors, and finally this one. I'd say I overrated myself. Nonetheless I did it and I am happy that I went through it and did not give up.
Chords half empty, chords half full
That's a lot! I appreciate the encouragement and realize that a lot of polishing still needs to be done.
Makes dimished chords fun!
Information presented in a fun and relaxed environment. Chock full of tips and strategies to help in understanding diminished chords
251 system
For each diminished chord, successively raise each note a semi tone to create a m7b5 chord. Then drop the raised note back to the diminished chord (7b9). Then play the m7 (1) chord that it resolves to. It’s a bit of a mental exercise to figure the names of the chords you are playing, but good for you.
Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Daily Routine
It was kind of exhausting to practice every possible diminished and half diminished chord... But it was worth it
I enrolled with a bit too much confidence into the whole Foundations suite starting with Majors, then Dominants, Minors, and finally this one. I'd say I overrated myself. Nonetheless I did it and I am happy that I went through it and did not give up.
Chords half empty, chords half full
That's a lot! I appreciate the encouragement and realize that a lot of polishing still needs to be done.
Makes dimished chords fun!
Information presented in a fun and relaxed environment. Chock full of tips and strategies to help in understanding diminished chords
251 system
For each diminished chord, successively raise each note a semi tone to create a m7b5 chord. Then drop the raised note back to the diminished chord (7b9). Then play the m7 (1) chord that it resolves to. It’s a bit of a mental exercise to figure the names of the chords you are playing, but good for you.
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