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John Proulx

This course will help you master Erroll Garner’s Misty at the intermediate level.

First we’ll learn the right hand melody and stride pattern. Next we’ll embellish the melody with chord pops and learn a pre-written solo. Finally, we’ll put the hands together and play a beautiful final arrangement!

Course Objectives
  • Memorize the lead sheet melody
  • Practice the stride pattern
  • Embellish the melody with chord pops & extensions
  • Learn a pre-written solo
  • Combine all these techniques for a final arrangement
Learning Focus
  • Songs

This copyrighted lesson sheet is available for purchase on MusicNotes. Members can view the digital Smartsheet for free!

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Great course, I’ve been wanting on work on this for a long time
I appreciate the breakdown that follows the same progression as the chord shell and chord extension lessons. Very helpful. Great arrangement of this beautiful piece.
Great tune to work on
I love how John breaks it down and we learn it systematically. John shows how to count the triplets and semi's - really detailed and a really good pace
Like having my instructor next to me
I took the course as a beginner the first time around, but this time, I upped my game and surprised myself. I'm getting there. Maybe next year, I will be at an advanced level.
Great Challenge!
Very creative and understandable. Well done!
excellent and informative

Course Lessons

Misty – Challenge 2 – Lesson 3

Right Hand Embellishments

Misty – Challenge 2 – Lesson 4

Hands Together & Improv Solo

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Great course, I’ve been wanting on work on this for a long time
I appreciate the breakdown that follows the same progression as the chord shell and chord extension lessons. Very helpful. Great arrangement of this beautiful piece.
Great tune to work on
I love how John breaks it down and we learn it systematically. John shows how to count the triplets and semi's - really detailed and a really good pace
Like having my instructor next to me
I took the course as a beginner the first time around, but this time, I upped my game and surprised myself. I'm getting there. Maybe next year, I will be at an advanced level.
Great Challenge!
Very creative and understandable. Well done!
excellent and informative
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