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Yannick Lambrecht

Learn the essential skills required for ear training. Our main focus will be on intervals – the building blocks of music.

First, we’ll review basic musical vocabulary – major/minor scales, triads, chromatic scales, and inversions. We’ll explore song associations for all ascending and descending intervals. Next we’ll practice melodic dictations and experiment with different harmonies. Finally, we’ll apply these techniques to various melodies – Ode to Joy (beginner), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Intermediate), and the Star-Spangled Banner (advanced).

By the end of this workshop, you’ll have all the tools you need to develop your musical ear!

For software ear trainers, we recommend the following: Keyboard Relative Pitch, Note Relative Pitch, Intervals, Scales, Chords

Course Objectives
  • Review basic musical vocabulary - major/minor scales, triads, chromatic scales, and inversions
  • Explore song associations for all ascending and descending intervals
  • Practice melodic dictations and various ways to harmonize
  • Apply these techniques to melodies: Ode to Joy (beginner), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Star-Spangled Banner (advanced)
Learning Focus
  • Ear Training
  • Practice Tips
  • Reharmonization

Featured Reviews

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Fundamental and challenging
Thanks Yannick for providing the introduction to ear training! There is much to learn and practice, but you showed us the method to analyse, unterstand and reproduce a melody in a very pleasant way.
Loved this!
I’m going to include interval practice when I do my scales practice.
Ear Training
Good reminder that I need to work more on this skill. Never was my strong suit, but I have definitely gotten rusty on hearing the inner voicings. Yannick had a good presentation.
entertained and fun
usefull to find harmonies from known melodies
A great challenge for the ears
This course is different from the others so far in that Yannick presents information and skills that can't necessarily be assimilated quickly, like learning a short arrangement. This course takes more of a long view in getting the pianist to begin ear training as part of the daily routine. All the info in the the other lessons so far and to come can add a layer of ear training, so it doesn't have to add significant time to your practice, as you're already practicing what you do practice. The ability to analyze sounds,--chords, scales, etc,--does not come easily to me at all and so I've mostly avoided it until now, but Yannick makes a strong case that this skill is in fact important and needs to be actively attended to, even if it doesn't come easily at first, and most importantly, Yannick gives a great overview on how to approach ear training if you don't have experience. I'm ready to start listening harder and audiating (a great verb!).
Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Fundamental and challenging
Thanks Yannick for providing the introduction to ear training! There is much to learn and practice, but you showed us the method to analyse, unterstand and reproduce a melody in a very pleasant way.
Loved this!
I’m going to include interval practice when I do my scales practice.
Ear Training
Good reminder that I need to work more on this skill. Never was my strong suit, but I have definitely gotten rusty on hearing the inner voicings. Yannick had a good presentation.
entertained and fun
usefull to find harmonies from known melodies
A great challenge for the ears
This course is different from the others so far in that Yannick presents information and skills that can't necessarily be assimilated quickly, like learning a short arrangement. This course takes more of a long view in getting the pianist to begin ear training as part of the daily routine. All the info in the the other lessons so far and to come can add a layer of ear training, so it doesn't have to add significant time to your practice, as you're already practicing what you do practice. The ability to analyze sounds,--chords, scales, etc,--does not come easily to me at all and so I've mostly avoided it until now, but Yannick makes a strong case that this skill is in fact important and needs to be actively attended to, even if it doesn't come easily at first, and most importantly, Yannick gives a great overview on how to approach ear training if you don't have experience. I'm ready to start listening harder and audiating (a great verb!).
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