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Jonny May

Learn 6 of the all-time most beautiful Contemporary progressions. Learn closed & open position left hand accompaniment, how to harmonize the melodies, & how to improvise over each progression.

Course Objectives
  • Learn 6 beautiful Chord Progressions
  • Master the various Left Hand Patterns
  • Understand how to add the Right Hand Melodies
  • Explore how to improvise over each Progression
Learning Focus
  • Basslines
  • Chords
  • Improvisation

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Simple and beautiful music that you can play now.
This puts the professional edge on all the stuff I’d self taught over the years. It’s so great to give some formal backing to all that. Superbly taught as always by Jonny, even though those hands are scarily orange! They look like washing-up gloves. Love it!
Great approach!
Very clear and inspiring!
Exactly what I was looking for!
This was a total blast. These progressions are super simple yet super beautiful. There is great depth there, especially after you get them down. I'm really looking forward to playing these at the end of long days of work. Great stuff.
Johnny is great, every demo is gorgeous, he says it, and he's right, they are!!!
Jonny is a terrific teacher, he always says good job at the end, although I don't know how he knows that, may the cameras on, JK, but I'm an intermediate at best, but I have learned more with Johnny in a year, that I learned taking lessons for 5 years. I love the content, I love the difficulty versus, easy if needed, which I do!!!
Excellent Intro to Pop!!
Very excited for things to come!

Course Lessons

Contemporary Progressions and Improv 1 – Lesson 1

Chords, Left Hand Foundation (Closed and Open Position)

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Simple and beautiful music that you can play now.
This puts the professional edge on all the stuff I’d self taught over the years. It’s so great to give some formal backing to all that. Superbly taught as always by Jonny, even though those hands are scarily orange! They look like washing-up gloves. Love it!
Great approach!
Very clear and inspiring!
Exactly what I was looking for!
This was a total blast. These progressions are super simple yet super beautiful. There is great depth there, especially after you get them down. I'm really looking forward to playing these at the end of long days of work. Great stuff.
Johnny is great, every demo is gorgeous, he says it, and he's right, they are!!!
Jonny is a terrific teacher, he always says good job at the end, although I don't know how he knows that, may the cameras on, JK, but I'm an intermediate at best, but I have learned more with Johnny in a year, that I learned taking lessons for 5 years. I love the content, I love the difficulty versus, easy if needed, which I do!!!
Excellent Intro to Pop!!
Very excited for things to come!
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