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John Proulx

This course will help you master Autumn Leaves at the intermediate level.

First we’ll learn the right hand melody with a swing rhythm. Next we’ll add the left hand chords with a swing rhythm. We’ll also embellish the melody and learn some improv techniques. Finally, we’ll put the hands together and play a beautiful final arrangement!

Course Objectives
  • Memorize the lead sheet melody
  • Practice the left hand chords with a swing rhythm
  • Embellish the melody with chord pops & counter melodies
  • Learn some improv scales & techniques
  • Combine all these techniques for a final arrangement
Learning Focus
  • Songs

This copyrighted lesson sheet is available for purchase on MusicNotes. Members can view the digital Smartsheet for free!

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Fantastic stuff to be learned here, unfortunately no sheet music supplied with this course.
Really loved all the concepts being taught here, important stuff l need to learn, unfortunately made frustratingly more difficult without the sheet music being supplied
Always something new to learn. Always inspiring"
Syncopation, some interesting chordings!
Great mix of rhythms and melody lines
Love the transition from basic melody over stride shells to the chord pops and then to a solo with interesting elements including blues lines and upper/lower chromatics.
Suites the theme of the song main melody
The structure of the entire lesson from beginning to intermediate, the video lessons are easy to understand and John explains the theory behind everything very well
Cool Autumn LEAVES!
I love how we progrès week to week and how we start by analyzing the piece and add to it from week to week. the solo pet helped figure out what kinf-D of patterns or trick I can use to make the solo part interesting. I love JOHN’s way of teaching. I learned a lot in this lesson.
Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Fantastic stuff to be learned here, unfortunately no sheet music supplied with this course.
Really loved all the concepts being taught here, important stuff l need to learn, unfortunately made frustratingly more difficult without the sheet music being supplied
Always something new to learn. Always inspiring"
Syncopation, some interesting chordings!
Great mix of rhythms and melody lines
Love the transition from basic melody over stride shells to the chord pops and then to a solo with interesting elements including blues lines and upper/lower chromatics.
Suites the theme of the song main melody
The structure of the entire lesson from beginning to intermediate, the video lessons are easy to understand and John explains the theory behind everything very well
Cool Autumn LEAVES!
I love how we progrès week to week and how we start by analyzing the piece and add to it from week to week. the solo pet helped figure out what kinf-D of patterns or trick I can use to make the solo part interesting. I love JOHN’s way of teaching. I learned a lot in this lesson.
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