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Jonny May

1950s Rock and Roll Piano in the style of Jerry Lee Lewis, including essential Rock and Roll left hand bass techniques & Rock riffs, like slides, tremelos, glissandos, smash licks, & more.

Course Objectives
  • Learn original rock melodies and quote different musical styles
  • Master the Solo inspired by Rock Piano Icon Jerry Lee Lewis
  • Discover valuable insights on technique to perform with confidence
Learning Focus
  • Basslines
  • Riffs
  • Songs

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Fun, fun, fun!
I enjoyed learning some fun rifts and licks and how to incorporate them in the music.
Excellent tutorial for 1950's Rock 'n Roll Piano
Thank-you Jonny for making this excellent tutorial! I've been trying to play in this style, but as a classically trained pianist was never able to get the 1950's rock 'n roll sound. The secret is in how to execute the "grace" notes, rolls, slides and tremolos. Thank-you so much for the clarifications!
WOW! this make me happy!
This arrangement is just perfect. The octave grooves in the left hand that line with the right hand lines sound sweet and nasty👌I love the combination of the C minor and C major blues scales and the double slides …’ sounds and feels great. I’m finding the more I practice the sections and connecting to the next, the more refreshed you feel .
Very challenging but rewarding
Learning different playing techniques and challenging myself to stretch my playing abilities
Well: Fun and challenging
still some practising necessary after completing the course.......better to play without the sheets.....

Course Lessons

1950s Rock and Roll – Lesson 1

The Introduction, Chords, and First Rock Melody

1950s Rock and Roll – Lesson 2

Boogie and Bluesy Tremolos

1950s Rock and Roll – Lesson 3

Boogie Octaves and Embellishments

1950s Rock and Roll – Lesson 4

Back to the Melody and the Rock Breakdown

1950s Rock and Roll – Lesson 5

Soloing Like Jerry Lee Lewis!

1950s Rock and Roll – Lesson 6

Back to the Melody and Tagging the Ending

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Fun, fun, fun!
I enjoyed learning some fun rifts and licks and how to incorporate them in the music.
Excellent tutorial for 1950's Rock 'n Roll Piano
Thank-you Jonny for making this excellent tutorial! I've been trying to play in this style, but as a classically trained pianist was never able to get the 1950's rock 'n roll sound. The secret is in how to execute the "grace" notes, rolls, slides and tremolos. Thank-you so much for the clarifications!
WOW! this make me happy!
This arrangement is just perfect. The octave grooves in the left hand that line with the right hand lines sound sweet and nasty👌I love the combination of the C minor and C major blues scales and the double slides …’ sounds and feels great. I’m finding the more I practice the sections and connecting to the next, the more refreshed you feel .
Very challenging but rewarding
Learning different playing techniques and challenging myself to stretch my playing abilities
Well: Fun and challenging
still some practising necessary after completing the course.......better to play without the sheets.....
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