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Jonny May

Master two-hand coordination, rhythm, syncopation, finger control, & speed with 36 exercises exploring the most common progressions and grooves in popular music.

Course Objectives
  • Master dozens of rhythms, starting with the basics
  • Learn a fun and popular chord progression
  • Discover the technique to syncopation and tied rhythms
  • Use the Count, tap, and play method
Learning Focus
  • Chords
  • Exercises
  • Rhythm
  • Technique

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Challenging but fun
Loved learning rhythms. I’m still not as fast as you (fyi) I’m 69. But I kept doing it until I was smooth at every one even the triplets!
Rhythmic Fun for Both Hands
Great lessons for building rhythmic chops in each hand.
Cross-body coordination exercises!
Do you remember learning to pat your head and rub your tummy? Now switch hands! The patterns are really catchy, but I am surprised how easily I lose my place and need to start over. This is a course I will be adding to my practice routine.
Fundamental and challenging
The exercises look easy at the first look, but they build on complexity of rhythm and coordination. They are a fundamental tool for beginners and intermediate players.
Challenging and usefull
I learned, of course... but the most important for me was to separate rithms in my hands... Of course I have a lot of work in the future, but I startting to be confident with my capabilities in piano. Thank you very much!!!!

Course Lessons

Two-Hand Coordination Exercises 1 – Lesson 1

The Chord Progression, Counting Half Notes & 8th Notes

Two-Hand Coordination Exercises 1 – Lesson 2

Rhythmic Pattern 1, 2, & 3, With Variations

Two-Hand Coordination Exercises 1 – Lesson 3

Rhythmic Pattern 4, 5, & 6, With Variations

Two-Hand Coordination Exercises 1 – Lesson 4

Right Hand Rhythmic Patterns 1-4, With Variations

Two-Hand Coordination Exercises 1 – Lesson 5

Rhythmic Pattern 5 & 6, Triplets

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Challenging but fun
Loved learning rhythms. I’m still not as fast as you (fyi) I’m 69. But I kept doing it until I was smooth at every one even the triplets!
Rhythmic Fun for Both Hands
Great lessons for building rhythmic chops in each hand.
Cross-body coordination exercises!
Do you remember learning to pat your head and rub your tummy? Now switch hands! The patterns are really catchy, but I am surprised how easily I lose my place and need to start over. This is a course I will be adding to my practice routine.
Fundamental and challenging
The exercises look easy at the first look, but they build on complexity of rhythm and coordination. They are a fundamental tool for beginners and intermediate players.
Challenging and usefull
I learned, of course... but the most important for me was to separate rithms in my hands... Of course I have a lot of work in the future, but I startting to be confident with my capabilities in piano. Thank you very much!!!!
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