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John Proulx

This course will help you master Heart & Soul at the intermediate level.

First we’ll learn the right hand melody and a left hand stride. Next we’ll embellish the melody with harmony notes and learn a pre-written solo. Finally, we’ll put the hands together and play a beautiful final arrangement!

Course Objectives
  • Memorize the lead sheet melody
  • Practice the left hand stride
  • Embellish and harmonize the melody
  • Learn a pre-written solo
  • Combine all these techniques for a final arrangement
Learning Focus
  • Songs

Featured Reviews

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Heart and Soul Intermediate Challenge
John Proulx is brilliant. I thought it was going to be a repeat of the beginning class, but no, he makes the right hand do more with the connecting notes and pop chords. And then you add a stride style left hand. Finally you put it together for a cool, jazzy arrangement that is fun to play. But you have to practice. You have to work at it and perfect it. And then you get a great jazzy solo. Prioux explains the scales that are used over the chords. He knows every notes harmonic purpose in the scale. And it also sounds great. These are great piano licks. It takes work to play well, but it’s fun, rewarding, musical, and it sounds great. Can I ever understand or hear the jazz lines like Prioux. No. He’s a world class jazz musician. But I can love the music, have fun, and play a lot better. And I’m learning great songs.
Really enjoyable
Just awesome course I really enjoy the solos
Excellent course!
Beautiful chords and melody
Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Heart and Soul Intermediate Challenge
John Proulx is brilliant. I thought it was going to be a repeat of the beginning class, but no, he makes the right hand do more with the connecting notes and pop chords. And then you add a stride style left hand. Finally you put it together for a cool, jazzy arrangement that is fun to play. But you have to practice. You have to work at it and perfect it. And then you get a great jazzy solo. Prioux explains the scales that are used over the chords. He knows every notes harmonic purpose in the scale. And it also sounds great. These are great piano licks. It takes work to play well, but it’s fun, rewarding, musical, and it sounds great. Can I ever understand or hear the jazz lines like Prioux. No. He’s a world class jazz musician. But I can love the music, have fun, and play a lot better. And I’m learning great songs.
Really enjoyable
Just awesome course I really enjoy the solos
Excellent course!
Beautiful chords and melody
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