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Jonny May

Swing like a big band in the Fly Me to the Moon Challenge for all playing levels.  Apply essential swing techniques like shells, walking bass lines, harmonies, slides, & fills for a rich swing sound.

Course Objectives
  • Master the Lead Sheet Melody & Chords
  • Learn 2 Essential Left Hand Accompaniments
  • Master the Swing Feel & Add Harmony
  • Put It All Together!
Learning Focus
  • Lead Sheets
  • Songs

Featured Reviews

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Amazing learning materials
I went through your courses on Fly Me To The Moon, Autumn Leaves, and Summertime. They were all fantastic, I really appreciate the methodical way you break down the process from lead sheet to full arrangement. Would really really love to see more of these courses on jazz standards, the others I see on the site are mostly Christmas tunes. Thank you so much!!
Very fun, challenging. I learned a lot and am inspired to keep learning more tunes like this.
My first time learning the swing technique - I really like it
I enjoyed learning a cocktail piece that was new to me. I have actually memorized the lyrics.
Very enjoyable
By the end of the challenge I really felt I was making progress. The step by step approach is an excellent way to learn and the content caters for different levels of experience.
Fly Me To The Moon Challenge
The PWJ monthly challenge is an excellent approach to learning a new song. There are three different levels so everyone can participate. The weekly assignments encourages a commitment to complete the components to reach the final goal…which is to learn an entire song at your playing level. Easy to follow and understand. Very rewarding experience.

Course Lessons

Fly Me To The Moon Challenge – Lesson 1

Lead Sheet, Melody and Chords

Fly Me To The Moon Challenge – Lesson 2

2 Left hand Patterns, Shells, Walking Bass

Fly Me To The Moon Challenge – Lesson 3

Swinging the Melody, Harmonizing Notes

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Amazing learning materials
I went through your courses on Fly Me To The Moon, Autumn Leaves, and Summertime. They were all fantastic, I really appreciate the methodical way you break down the process from lead sheet to full arrangement. Would really really love to see more of these courses on jazz standards, the others I see on the site are mostly Christmas tunes. Thank you so much!!
Very fun, challenging. I learned a lot and am inspired to keep learning more tunes like this.
My first time learning the swing technique - I really like it
I enjoyed learning a cocktail piece that was new to me. I have actually memorized the lyrics.
Very enjoyable
By the end of the challenge I really felt I was making progress. The step by step approach is an excellent way to learn and the content caters for different levels of experience.
Fly Me To The Moon Challenge
The PWJ monthly challenge is an excellent approach to learning a new song. There are three different levels so everyone can participate. The weekly assignments encourages a commitment to complete the components to reach the final goal…which is to learn an entire song at your playing level. Easy to follow and understand. Very rewarding experience.
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