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Jonny May

Transform Fly Me to the Moon into a swingin’ arrangement! From a lead sheet, we apply swing ingredients like shells, harmonies, chord pops, & fills. Plus, learn an intro, outro, & how to improvise.

Course Objectives
  • Learn the melody and chords, along with shell voicings
  • Discover how to play jazzy fills
  • Understand chord pops, rolls, and rhythmic variations
  • Explore soloing and how to play an Intro & Outro
Learning Focus
  • Improvisation
  • Lead Sheets
  • Songs

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Working with lead sheet
I finally tackled a lead sheet! The course was nicely put together and I repeated the lessons and even took notes and jotted on the lead sheet. My next move is to advance to the intermediate course. Thanks Jonny!
Thanks, Jonny. Great course that showed how to develop the melody in a totally usable way for this song with use of techniques that can be applied to other tunes. The fills made for a very smooth embellished melody line.
Loved the Videos, but...
Jonny does his usual great job in the teaching videos. However I found the Smartsheet (which is the only documentation you can access without paying) less than satisfactory. it only provides a "final version" of the song--no earlier versions to build on, and no solo transcription.
Nice course
Good info, progresses a little too fast. Unfortunately the smartsheets don't work correctly
Loved it
I enjoyed the structure of the course which helped me diving into learning lead sheets and creating my own arrangements.

Course Lessons

Fly Me To The Moon 1 – Lesson 1

Lead Sheet, Melody and Chords

Fly Me To The Moon 1 – Lesson 2

Left Hand Shells, Swinging the Melody

Fly Me To The Moon 1 – Lesson 3

Melodic Displacement, Pops, and Rolls

Fly Me To The Moon 1 – Lesson 4

5 Fills, Application, & Jazzy Ending Chords

Fly Me To The Moon 1 – Lesson 5

Song Intro, Soloing Concepts, and Patterns

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Working with lead sheet
I finally tackled a lead sheet! The course was nicely put together and I repeated the lessons and even took notes and jotted on the lead sheet. My next move is to advance to the intermediate course. Thanks Jonny!
Thanks, Jonny. Great course that showed how to develop the melody in a totally usable way for this song with use of techniques that can be applied to other tunes. The fills made for a very smooth embellished melody line.
Loved the Videos, but...
Jonny does his usual great job in the teaching videos. However I found the Smartsheet (which is the only documentation you can access without paying) less than satisfactory. it only provides a "final version" of the song--no earlier versions to build on, and no solo transcription.
Nice course
Good info, progresses a little too fast. Unfortunately the smartsheets don't work correctly
Loved it
I enjoyed the structure of the course which helped me diving into learning lead sheets and creating my own arrangements.
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