Fly Me to the Moon – Accompaniment 1
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Start Your Free TrialPlease join me as we dive into the world of jazz swing accompaniment on the familiar song, “Fly Me to the Moon”. This workshop will cover the following topics:
-Root position 7th chords, melody review, and harmonic analysis
-Chord shells with rhythmic hits
-3-note chord voicings over a “2-feel” bass
-4-note rootless voicings with walking bass
-An intro and ending
-A final arrangement where we put it all together!
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Great course!!
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Transform Fly Me to the Moon into a swingin' arrangement! From a lead sheet, we apply swing ingredients like shells, harmonies, chord pops, & fills. Plus, learn an intro, outro, & how to improvise.
5 Jazz comping (accompanying) approaches for tunes like Fly Me to the Moon & Autumn Leaves. We explore the chords, comp rhythms, and 5 harmonic approaches.
In this comprehensive jazz swing course, we'll learn how to accompany on Autumn Leaves. Starting with the lead sheet, we’ll memorize the chords, review some basic left hand patterns, add right hand fills, and learn an intro/outro for a beautiful final arrangement.
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