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John Proulx

This course will help you master Autumn Leaves at the advanced level.

First we’ll look at the basic lead sheet and learn how to make it our own with articulation & phrasing. Next we’ll add a walking bass, chord pops, and chord alterations. Finally, we’ll put the hands together and play a beautiful final arrangement!

Course Objectives
  • Customize the lead sheet melody
  • Practice a walking bass line in the left hand
  • Embellish the melody with chord pops & counter melodies
  • Learn some improv scales & techniques
  • Combine all these techniques for a final arrangement
Learning Focus
  • Songs

This copyrighted lesson sheet is available for purchase on MusicNotes. Members can view the digital Smartsheet for free!

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Very Enjoyable
This course, for me, seamed well with the course on It Had to Be You. It Had to Be You, introduced me to chord pops and and reaches that I would never have come up with on my own. Therefore, starting the course on Autumn Leaves, with similar chord pops and reaches felt more natural and now, it feels like I have added tools to play with in future challenges. I truly appreciate the explanation of how solos can be created along with the example solo and then it's up to you to create your own... that is very helpful!
Really well structured and informative as usual!
John is a great teacher, his pace is great and he provides thorough explanations and opportunities to practice. Another great course
nicely broken down
Fun but Challenging
Found it easier adding my own walking bass line instead of having to read the bass line given. A lot of chord substitutions and nice ideas for soloing
Good pace. Hit the spot.
I have played this song many times however the course has put the bells and whistles on my own arrangement. Loved it.
Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Very Enjoyable
This course, for me, seamed well with the course on It Had to Be You. It Had to Be You, introduced me to chord pops and and reaches that I would never have come up with on my own. Therefore, starting the course on Autumn Leaves, with similar chord pops and reaches felt more natural and now, it feels like I have added tools to play with in future challenges. I truly appreciate the explanation of how solos can be created along with the example solo and then it's up to you to create your own... that is very helpful!
Really well structured and informative as usual!
John is a great teacher, his pace is great and he provides thorough explanations and opportunities to practice. Another great course
nicely broken down
Fun but Challenging
Found it easier adding my own walking bass line instead of having to read the bass line given. A lot of chord substitutions and nice ideas for soloing
Good pace. Hit the spot.
I have played this song many times however the course has put the bells and whistles on my own arrangement. Loved it.
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