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John Proulx

This course will help you master Autumn Leaves at the beginner level.

First we’ll learn the right hand melody and left hand chords. Next we’ll embellish the melody with harmony notes and learn a pre-written solo. Finally, we’ll put the hands together and play a beautiful final arrangement!

Course Objectives
  • Memorize the lead sheet melody
  • Practice the left hand chords
  • Embellish and harmonize the melody
  • Learn a pre-written solo
  • Combine all these techniques for a final arrangement
Learning Focus
  • Songs

This copyrighted lesson sheet is available for purchase on MusicNotes. Members can view the digital Smartsheet for free!

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Falling Leaves - Rising Star!
I can't believe that I waited sooo long to sign up with PWJ! This is like a dream come true - learning to play Jazz Standards. I love John's approach, like the approach of all PWJ courses - Starting with basic hand combinations, gradually building up harmonies and as skills are developed and then putting it all together, while addressing applicable music theory concepts along the way! Very exciting and very attainable!! I'm playing jazz and never thought that was possible. Great teachers and great teaching!
Lot of suffer but at the end the pleasure
The step by step learning is very efficient.
I smell the fall
I get a better understanding each time I watch this. Thanks John!
I can smell leaves in the fall
I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this course. So much useful knowledge is being shared. Great job!
John’s lovely simple arrangement of this beautiful song.
Greatest introduction to shell chords and lots of fun especially in the improv solo and E minor blues scale.
Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Falling Leaves - Rising Star!
I can't believe that I waited sooo long to sign up with PWJ! This is like a dream come true - learning to play Jazz Standards. I love John's approach, like the approach of all PWJ courses - Starting with basic hand combinations, gradually building up harmonies and as skills are developed and then putting it all together, while addressing applicable music theory concepts along the way! Very exciting and very attainable!! I'm playing jazz and never thought that was possible. Great teachers and great teaching!
Lot of suffer but at the end the pleasure
The step by step learning is very efficient.
I smell the fall
I get a better understanding each time I watch this. Thanks John!
I can smell leaves in the fall
I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this course. So much useful knowledge is being shared. Great job!
John’s lovely simple arrangement of this beautiful song.
Greatest introduction to shell chords and lots of fun especially in the improv solo and E minor blues scale.
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