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John Proulx

Get ready for the most comprehensive course on the smooth jazz style!

We’ll start with the essential chords and how to make them sound more colorful while adding fun rhythmic patterns. We’ll dive deep into various soloing techniques such as slides, turns, rolls, licks and runs using the blues scale. Finally, we’ll learn the 6 keys to crafting a memorable solo.

Course Objectives
  • Learn essential smooth jazz chords and rhythmic patterns
  • Master the ultimate smooth jazz scale with exercises (blues scale)
  • Practice soloing techniques such as slides, turns, rolls, licks and runs
  • Understand the 6 keys to crafting a memorable solo
Learning Focus
  • Improvisation
  • Practice Tips
  • Technique

Featured Reviews

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During the solo of lesson 10, I like adding a tremolo to the C octave at the beginning of the third line or so
Most of the things I already use in my smooth jazz play but a great revision and discipline because I can tend to overplay in my soloing and fit too many licks in
Play Smooth Jazz ALL DAY
I can follow John Proulx so well. His leading for the practice is so well formulated, step by step, that I could do everything, yet still be challenged. This was so much fun that I wanted to play it everytime I walked by my piano. Please do more course like this one, John!
Very challenging and fun
I have very little time to practice but found myself going to the piano every time I had a moment as I was so encouraged to continue with it. Still practicing it and enjoying introducing a few runs of my own. Will try and post soon.
A must intro for fans of smoothjazz
This was an easy-to-follow, mildly challenging lesson. Many of these techniques were taught in Jonny's earlier blues challenge, but it was enlightening to see them applied in a new format
Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

During the solo of lesson 10, I like adding a tremolo to the C octave at the beginning of the third line or so
Most of the things I already use in my smooth jazz play but a great revision and discipline because I can tend to overplay in my soloing and fit too many licks in
Play Smooth Jazz ALL DAY
I can follow John Proulx so well. His leading for the practice is so well formulated, step by step, that I could do everything, yet still be challenged. This was so much fun that I wanted to play it everytime I walked by my piano. Please do more course like this one, John!
Very challenging and fun
I have very little time to practice but found myself going to the piano every time I had a moment as I was so encouraged to continue with it. Still practicing it and enjoying introducing a few runs of my own. Will try and post soon.
A must intro for fans of smoothjazz
This was an easy-to-follow, mildly challenging lesson. Many of these techniques were taught in Jonny's earlier blues challenge, but it was enlightening to see them applied in a new format
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