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Jonny May

In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about the piano pedals! We’ll start by discussing the 3 piano pedals, common pedaling notation, and 4 essential pedaling techniques. We will practice 20 exercises for pedaling over a variety of rhythms and grooves. Finally, we will learn how to use the pedal on 22 different piano styles.

Course Objectives
  • Learn about the 3 piano pedals and common pedaling notation
  • Master 4 essential pedaling techniques
  • Practice 20 exercises for pedaling over a variety of rhythms and grooves
  • Discover how to use the pedal on 22 different piano styles
Learning Focus
  • Exercises
  • Groove
  • Reading
  • Rhythm

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Piano pedal essentials
Excellent course. I learned a lot. Even though I played the piano for many years it was important to learn different techniques for peddling.
Treasury of Pedaling Styles
I may have marked this course as "completed", but no doubt I'll be coming back to it again and again for a long time to come. There's a wealth of techniques here that will help you reach that next level of artistry you've been working towards. Jonny, you're the best!
This is a must!
Learning how and when using the pedal other styles than a slow ballad is amazing. This can make the difference
Although it's going to take some time to master, I now have the essential understanding behind pedaling. I will be coming back to this frequently!!
This was something different and enjoyable for me
I found this to be quite interesting in that I was exposed to many different types of music much of which I know nothing about and don't listen to. Musical phrasing came up a number of times during the course in the context of pedal technique - I don't usually think about this too much and it surprised me that it was such a frequent point that Jonny made. Coming from a classical background I felt phrasing is important, but i didn't expect that to be the case with other genres (can't say why). Going forward I will keep that in mind on new material. Thank you Jonny for bringing this important subject to my attention.

Course Lessons

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 3

Note Values and Pedal Exercises 1-5

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 4

Pedal Exercises 6-10, Half, Quarter, & Eighth Notes

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 5

Pedal Exercises 11-15, Short-Long Effect

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 6

Pedal Exercises 16-20

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 7

How to Pedal on Slow Songs 1

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 8

How to Pedal on Slow Songs 2

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 9

How to Pedal on Medium or Fast Songs 1

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 10

How to Pedal on Medium or Fast Songs 2

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 11

How to Pedal on Medium or Fast Songs 3

Piano Pedal Essentials – Lesson 12

How to Pedal on Medium or Fast Songs 4

Featured Reviews

View PWJ member reviews of this course!

Piano pedal essentials
Excellent course. I learned a lot. Even though I played the piano for many years it was important to learn different techniques for peddling.
Treasury of Pedaling Styles
I may have marked this course as "completed", but no doubt I'll be coming back to it again and again for a long time to come. There's a wealth of techniques here that will help you reach that next level of artistry you've been working towards. Jonny, you're the best!
This is a must!
Learning how and when using the pedal other styles than a slow ballad is amazing. This can make the difference
Although it's going to take some time to master, I now have the essential understanding behind pedaling. I will be coming back to this frequently!!
This was something different and enjoyable for me
I found this to be quite interesting in that I was exposed to many different types of music much of which I know nothing about and don't listen to. Musical phrasing came up a number of times during the course in the context of pedal technique - I don't usually think about this too much and it surprised me that it was such a frequent point that Jonny made. Coming from a classical background I felt phrasing is important, but i didn't expect that to be the case with other genres (can't say why). Going forward I will keep that in mind on new material. Thank you Jonny for bringing this important subject to my attention.
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