Misty – Challenge 3
This course will help you master Erroll Garner’s Misty at the advanced level. First we’ll learn the right hand melody and discuss the articulation, intervals, and rhythm. Next we’ll embellish the melody with chord substitutions and learn a pre-written solo. Finally, we’ll put the hands together and play a beautiful final arrangement!
Misty – Challenge 2
This course will help you master Erroll Garner’s Misty at the intermediate level. First we’ll learn the right hand melody and stride pattern. Next we’ll embellish the melody with chord pops and learn a pre-written solo. Finally, we’ll put the hands together and play a beautiful final arrangement!
Misty – Challenge 1
This course will help you master Erroll Garner’s Misty at the beginner level. First we’ll learn the right hand melody and left hand chord shells. Next we’ll embellish the melody with harmony notes and learn a pre-written solo. Finally, we’ll put the hands together and play a beautiful final arrangement!
Misty – Band Accompaniment 1
This workshop will show you many techniques on how to accompany in a duo or trio situation where you and a bassist and drummer are accompanying an instrumentalist/vocalist who is playing or singing the melody. Here’s an overview of the workshop: Lesson 1: Lead sheet melody: reviewing the melody, learning root position 7th chords, and … Continue reading “Misty – Band Accompaniment 1”
Misty – Accompaniment 1
Please join me as we learn how to play Misty as a solo pianist accompanying an instrumentalist. The featured soloist for this workshop is a trumpet player which will be a lot of fun to accompany! The lessons will include: -Learning the root position 7th chords, and chord analysis from a lead sheet -Accompanying Shells … Continue reading “Misty – Accompaniment 1”
Misty – Jazz Ballad 1
In this course, John will walk you step-by-step on how to play the classic jazz ballad standard, Misty. We’ll start with memorizing the lead sheet melody & chords. Next, we’ll apply a jazz stride rhythm and melodic embellishments. Then we’ll practice various improv techniques we can use to solo over this song. To finish the … Continue reading “Misty – Jazz Ballad 1”
6 Jazz Ballad Harmonic Approaches 2
6 Jazz Ballad harmonic approaches using chords from Misty. Topics include Rootless Voicings, Altered Dominants, Block Chords, Drop 2s, Quartal Voicings, Passing Chords, & Chord Substitutions.
6 Jazz Ballad Harmonic Approaches 1
Discover 6 approaches for harmonizing a Jazz Ballad. Working through the chord progression for Misty, we discuss how to add beautiful extensions to create that classic jazz sound.